Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Today our class reorganized for Math! Students in our room will continue our Math learning in our classroom with Ms. Calvert and Mrs. Brar. We are looking forward to having Mrs. Brar join us in our learning journey.

Share with a family member goals you have in Math. What strategies will help you achieve your goals? What worries do you have about our reorganization or upcoming units? What are you excited for in Math? Be prepared to share your goal tomorrow in math class.

On our blog open up the pages for Math - Patterning. Record the vocabulary terms on your blue page.  If you know the meaning of the term record it or draw it.  Be sure to give an example. Due tomorrow.

- Please return your signed National Geographic Live field trip forms as soon as possible!
-We had a presentation today from Bob Edwards Junior High.  Please see my information about choosing French Immersion as a choice for Grade. 6 and Grade 7.

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