Wednesday, January 27, 2016

In math, we have been studying patterning and algebraic expressions.  Share with a family member your understanding Input / Output T charts.  Create a chart and see if a family member can determine your 3 patterns: Input, Output, Input/Output. Can you show your pattern using an algebraic expression? Can you design a chart that utilizes 2 operations in your horizontal pattern?

Read for our Non-Fiction Best Book Ever Project due Wednesday, February 10.  Check D2L for task criteria and assessment.

-Tomorrow, January 28 is our good bye assembly for Mrs. Traquair at 2:00 p.m.  Parents are welcome to attend.
-Report cards - Friday, January 29.
-No school on Monday, February 1.  It is a Professional Development Day.
-No sports club, tomorrow, Thursday, January 28.

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