Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Our class is continuing our study of electricity.  What did you learn today about static electricity? Are there other sources of electricity in nature?  Please share your understanding of the experiment we did today and explain what you know about the atom and the movement of electrons after we rubbed our hair with a balloon. Look around your house, what kind of safety devices do you notice are being used with the movement of electricity to ensure that your house is safe?  Be prepared to share.

On our blog open up the pages for Science - Electricity and Magnetism. Record the vocabulary terms on your green page.  If you know the meaning of the term record it or draw it.  Be sure to give an example. Due tomorrow.

- Please return your signed National Geographic Live field trip forms as soon as possible! 
- Sports Club is tomorrow (January 14) after school from 3:15 to 3:45.

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