Monday, June 13, 2016

Today we went to the Calgary Police Youthlink Interpretive Centre.  Share with a family member the Street Smart programs we went through in the morning.  Which program do think was the best for your learning? Why?  Do you have any recommendation of Street Smart programs that you think the Calgary Police should offer students?  With your Forensic investigation in the afternoon, who do you think is the main suspect in the Happy Mart robbery?  What specific evidence links that suspect to the crime?

Grade 6 Provincial Achievement Test Schedule:
English Language Arts - Reading - Wednesday, June 15 - 9:00-10:30.
Mathematics-Thursday, June 16 - 9:00 - 10:45.
Science - Friday, June 17 - 9:00 - 10:30.
Social Studies - Monday, June 20 - 9:00 -10:30.

Continue to study on the following link:

Grade 6's bring in a baby picture for a slide show at our year end celebration.

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