Thursday, May 5, 2016

Today we travelled to the Rothney Astrophysical Observatory.  We engaged in a variety of learning activities to enrich our understanding of Sky Science.  Which concepts were meaningful for your learning?  What surprised you?  What do you wonder about?  What connections did you make to our previous study of Sky Science?  Be prepared to complete a reflection tomorrow. A special THANK YOU to our School Enhancement Council for funding this learning experience.  We would also like to thank Mrs. Wigton for volunteering her time to attend with us!

History of Canada's Identity Projects are due on Monday!  Please share your presentation from Prezi, including the criteria and assessment posted in D2L.  What do you need to add to ensure that you have achieved excellence with your project?

- Sports Club is today from 3:15 to 3:45.

-Go to the following link for an All Sports One Day event that is free:

-Check our the following link for access for FREE bowling games everyday this summer:

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