Thursday, March 31, 2016

Our class began a new novel read aloud, I Wonder by R.J. Palacio. Share with a family member your first impression of this novel. How is it similar or different to other novels we have studied this year? Did the author hook your interest? Why or why not?

Go on the blog and open pages to the math vocabulary that we will be studying connected to Shape and Space.  Beside each term write what you think the word means.  Include an example and a non-example to assist you with your understanding.  On top of each word, mark your understanding of the word with a number and circle it: 1- I don't know, 2 - I have heard it, but I am unsure, 3-I think I know what it means, 4-I understand this word. You may use the link below to assist you:

Our Identity presentations are tomorrow.  Please remember to finish your 5 W's cue cards about the history of your family.  If you are sharing an artifact(s) (3 at the most), remember it is your responsibility to take care of it.  Your speech should be 2-5 minutes long.

April Calendar coming home today.

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