Monday, November 2, 2015

Excellent job today creating your Nature Name and preparing for Outdoor School. Share with a family member the Nature Name you created and why. What are you excited about for Outdoor School? What worries do you have?

Reminder to parents:
-We leave at 9:15 tomorrow morning, after the bus is packed.
- Please ensure that all medications are packed in a plastic bag with your child's name and medication specifics (name of prescription, dosage) and given to either Mrs. Calvert or Ms. Makowski.
- We arrive back to Vista Heights on Friday, November 6 by 2:00 p.m.  Students may be picked up at that time.
- The emergency number for Outdoor School is posted in your parent information packages.

Our grade 5 /6 students go to Outdoor School tomorrow! Please remember to pack the following:
- LUNCH for tomorrow           
- sleeping bag
- extra blanket
- jeans or heavy pants
- underwear
- sneakers
- touque
- warm jacket
- backpack
- toothbrush and toothpaste
- sunscreen
- pillow
- shirts
- socks
- boots
- sweaters or sweatshirts
- hat
- waterproof jacket
- towel
- hairbrush
- water bottle
- toiletries
What NOT to bring:
-electronics, cell phones, i-pods, etc.
-food / candy
-curling irons, blow dryers
-knives, matches, any camping/survival items
-anything that you would not want to get broken or lose

-November Calendar
-Purdys Fundraising

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