Monday, November 30, 2015

What an 'Ant-tastic' presentation we had today from Kananaskis in the Classroom! Please share with a family member what connection you made to our big idea of 'interdependence'.  How are you interdependent on ants or other insects?  How are insects interdependent on humans?

Go to the following link to practice your understanding of fraction values, equivalent fractions, ratios, percents, and decimals:

Book a Parent-Teacher Conference for Thursday, December 3, or Friday, December 4 by going to the following link:

-Letter home today re: Practice Lock Down tomorrow

Friday, November 27, 2015

We have been reflecting on our learning up to this point in our Grade 5/6 learning journey.  Please share with a family member what kind of evidence you are planning to share with them at conferences that support your learning strengths.  Looking at your learning, what evidence do you have to support some  goals you are going to work on?

Have a wonderful weekend!

Monday, November 30th – Alien In-Line forms and $ due

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Excellent job using evidence from our class read aloud, The City of Ember, to complete your Venn Diagram written reflection. Explain to a family member this writing task. Which book did you choose to compare to The City of Ember? What was similar between these two books? What was different?

-Continue to work on the Best Book Ever project, including your cover design.  You can work at home on your persuasive writing and post it to D2L.  They are due on Friday, November 27.


- Sports Club is today after school.
- Please remind your families to book a time to attend Parent Teacher Conferences on Thursday December 3 and Friday December 4!

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Today was Hat Day! Thank you to all the students and teachers who participated.

Share with a family member how you will represent your interdependence with nature on the plant pot we will be using in Science.

-Continue to work on the Best Book Ever project, including your cover design.  You can work at home on your persuasive writing and post it to D2L.  They are due on Friday, November 27.
- Sports Club is tomorrow after school (November 26) from 3:15 to 3:45.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

In math we have been discussing how important it is to slow down and to think deeper.  We have watched videos that connect this to our brain study. How many ways were you able to show 1/2? We have also been developing strategies to convince and support our math thinking. Share with a family member how you convinced your partner about our square paper folding activity. Ask them to try it, and you be the skeptic.

-Continue to work on the Best Book Ever project.  You can work at home on your persuasive writing and post it to D2L.  They are due on Friday, November 27. 

- Hat Day is tomorrow, Wednesday November 25!

Monday, November 23, 2015

Our class has begun discussing our big idea: How are we interdependent with our world?  Share with a family member what you think the word 'interdependent' means. What personal connections did you make? What questions do you have? Look for examples of our big idea at home and in the community. Be prepared to share your ideas with the class tomorrow!

Continue working on your Best Book Ever design for your new book cover.  Be sure to check the rubric posted in D2L for the task criteria.

-In-Line Skating forms are due on Monday, November 30.
-Parent-Teacher Conference Information coming home today.

-November 25th students can choose to wear a hat during school
-if hats have writing on them please ensure it is appropriate for school

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Thank you for another wonderful week of learning! Be proud of your hard work and determination in our Photo Power projects. Our virtue for the month of November is gentleness. How do you show gentleness at home and school?

Enjoy your weekend!

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Our class will be working on a new project called the Best Book Ever!  Your job will be to select what you think is the Best Book Ever, that you have read or listened to.  You will be asked to write a persuasive piece to convince the rest of the class that your book is the Best Book Ever!  Discuss with your family member what are some possible choices you have.  Why is your choice the Best Book Ever? Please check D2L for the task criteria and assessment.

Continue working on your current events projects! Please check the schedule for when you are responsible to present. 

- NO School - Friday, November 20.  Professional Development Day.
-Sports Club tomorrow 3:15 - 3:45.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Our class is close to finishing our read aloud, The City of Ember. Share with a family member the main events that have happened in this story. How has the author utilized literary devices to create interesting writing? Similes? Foreshadowing? Descriptive language? Imagery? How has this author developed the characters? What personal connections do you have to the characters? Would you recommend this novel to other students? Be prepared to share why or why not.

-Be reading every night for at least 15-20 minutes.  Our book projects will begin shortly!

- NO School  Friday, November 20.  Professional Development Day.

Monday, November 16, 2015

We had a special guest visit in our classroom today: Constable Hoard! During his visit, we focused on our emotions scale. Share with a family member what you learned from Constable Hoard in our S4 lesson. What characteristics and virtues do you demonstrate?  What supports to you have when you need assistance?

- Show your family the S4 website ( to teach them about the Start Smart Stay Safe Program.


- NO School  Friday, November 20.  Professional Development Day.

Purdy’s Fundraiser
-no more orders will be accepted after Tuesday. November 17th

Friday, November 13, 2015

Thank you for another wonderful week of learning! You should be very proud of your artistic multi-media paintings of landscapes from Outdoor School.

Parents please call the office at 430-777-6000 and say the word 'nature' to be entered to win a gift certificate.

Monday, November 16th
-please return Purdys Fundraising – order forms and money
-please return school photos – orders and money

Thursday, November 12, 2015

In math, we have been engaged in a variety of mathematical problems connected to our experience at Outdoor School.  Please share with a member of your family what strategy you used to solve the problem of seating students at tables. Did you create a visual to represent your understanding?  Did you list the possible solutions utilizing numbers or equations?  How do you know if you included all possible solutions?

We are painting our Outdoor School landscapes with acrylic paint tomorrow.  Please wear older clothing or bring an old shirt to put over top of your clothing.

Be sure to create your own Linking Numbers to the World and write it out, or post it on the discussion thread in D2L, or email it to Mrs. Calvert. You may complete more than one. They are due tomorrow, Friday, November 13.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Thank you to all the student leaders who participated in our Remembrance Day ceremony! Please discuss the importance of Remembrance Day and what it means to you. Do you have any personal connections to the meaning of Remembrance Day?

Be sure to create your own Linking Numbers to the World and write it out, post it on the discussion thread in D2L, or email it to Mrs. Calvert. You may complete more than one. They are due on Friday, November 13.

NO School tomorrow, Wednesday, November 11.
Sports Club is on Thursday, November 12 from 3:15-3:45.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Welcome back after an amazing week at Outdoor School!  The Outdoor School staff and Mrs. Calvert and Ms. Makowski were very impressed by how engaged our Vista Heights students were in their learning.  Bravo, Grade 5/6's! Today we started a project called, Photo Power.  Please share with a family member the task criteria and assessment posted in D2L. Have you chosen to create a narrative of your photo, or compose a persuasive writing piece? How was your experience at Outdoor School important for your learning? How will Outdoor School change your thinking or your actions?

Complete your Outdoor School Assessment survey online.  Please see the log in information sent home today.

Be sure to create your own Linking Numbers to the World and write it out, or email it to Mrs. Calvert. You may complete more than one. We will post them in our class for everyone to solve.  They are due on Friday, November 13.

Remembrance Day Assembly is tomorrow, November 10, at 10:45 a.m.

Alien In - Line Skating Information coming home today.

NO SCHOOL on Wednesday, November 11.  It is Remembrance Day.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Excellent job demonstrating the virtues at Outdoor School this week! Share with a family member what you learned at Kamp Kiwanis. Why is Outdoor School important for students? Be prepared to share your ideas with the class next week.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Our class is off to Outdoor School today! We are excited to share our experiences when we return to school on Friday November 6.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Excellent job today creating your Nature Name and preparing for Outdoor School. Share with a family member the Nature Name you created and why. What are you excited about for Outdoor School? What worries do you have?

Reminder to parents:
-We leave at 9:15 tomorrow morning, after the bus is packed.
- Please ensure that all medications are packed in a plastic bag with your child's name and medication specifics (name of prescription, dosage) and given to either Mrs. Calvert or Ms. Makowski.
- We arrive back to Vista Heights on Friday, November 6 by 2:00 p.m.  Students may be picked up at that time.
- The emergency number for Outdoor School is posted in your parent information packages.

Our grade 5 /6 students go to Outdoor School tomorrow! Please remember to pack the following:
- LUNCH for tomorrow           
- sleeping bag
- extra blanket
- jeans or heavy pants
- underwear
- sneakers
- touque
- warm jacket
- backpack
- toothbrush and toothpaste
- sunscreen
- pillow
- shirts
- socks
- boots
- sweaters or sweatshirts
- hat
- waterproof jacket
- towel
- hairbrush
- water bottle
- toiletries
What NOT to bring:
-electronics, cell phones, i-pods, etc.
-food / candy
-curling irons, blow dryers
-knives, matches, any camping/survival items
-anything that you would not want to get broken or lose

-November Calendar
-Purdys Fundraising