Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Welcome back to school after a long Thanksgiving weekend!

Our class started publishing our Hero Persuasive Paragraphs today. Share with a family member your  copy posted in D2L. Be sure to explain what you learned about how to write an excellent persuasive paragraph! Examine the criteria checklist posted in D2L, where have you assessed yourself with this task?  What could you do next time to ensure excellence with your persuasive writing?

-Copy the science vocabulary (green page) from the Pages section of the blog. If you know what the words mean, record in your own words, or draw a picture to show what you know.  If you don't know the meaning of the word, leave it for now.

- Grade 5 / 6 Outdoor School Parent Information Meeting: Wednesday, October 14: 6:30-7:30. Please see notice. 
- Pizza Lunch notice is being sent home today.
- Grade 5/6 Sports Club permission form is being sent home.

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